Note: This is a Changelog for ALARA Prime Closed Alpha. In order to get access to this version of ALARA Prime, you need to sign up to the Closed Alpha via Steam and be granted access. If you already had access to ALARA Prime Playtest on Steam, swap the Beta to [None] to get access to the Closed Alpha.
Party invites now work via Steam.
The first iteration of localization has been added to the game.
Arabic, Chinese, Chinese (Taipei), English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish, Spanish (Latin America), and Turkish.
Localization is still a work in progress and you may encounter issues.
All non-basic character and weapon skins have been disabled (the base skin of Fafnir has also been disabled).
Small art tweaks.
Small light update.
Rotated out.
Explore Map now has more options available like infinite gadgets/ammo on the F3 menu.
The “follow crosshair” option has been added, available in the Crosshair settings.
Players who start shooting while running now have a slight delay before they are accurate after stopping. Players who only shoot their first shot after stopping are still fully accurate immediately.
The recoil in ADS on the ARs and Zeus has been streamlined a bit to feel less chaotic.
Minor updates to hipfire handling to keep the pattern consistent with ADS.
Four gadgets have been temporarily rotated out of the buy menu in Unranked Mode and Explore Map:
Fog Wall
Scan Grenade
Healing Throwable
Flash Trap
Pollution Grenade damage rate now increases as you spend more time in the area.
Spotting gadgets now spot both players and enemy gadgets.
The flash VFX has been streamlined for Flash Trap, Drill Flash, and Flash Grenade.
Different areas received visual updates:
Main menu
The friends/party menu
The queue menu
The customization menu
Tutorial and explore map
A matchmaking timer has been added.
An inventory info screen has been added (F1).
Friendly players and gadgets are now more visibly highlighted through walls.
Some UI sounds have been tweaked.
Shooting a Hacking Drone has been made easier.
Fixed an issue where the Tactical Wall couldn’t be hacked under certain circumstances.
Fixed an issue where player names were replaced with numbers.
Fixed an issue where the party members remain in the queue even after the party leader leaves the queue.
Fixed an issue where the queue pop up would change the total number of players.
Fixed an issue where the visual effects of the Uplink sometimes show the incorrect team name and colour at the start of a round.
Fixed an issue where players were sometimes unable to buy the Scout or Ripper even with the cycle advantage.
Fixed an issue where users couldn’t start a private lobby.
If a party member is not in the main menu while being in queue (in Explore Map, Training, or Private Lobby), they wont get a Match Found popup, unless they go back to the Main Menu.Â
Crosshair sometimes disappears when spawning into a new round. Switching your weapon makes it come back.
Sometimes, when there are disconnected players and all enemies are dead, the round doesn't end even if the Uplink is in your team’s possession.
Players cannot leave a party, they need to be kicked by the party leader.
The health bars do not show the status of your teammates in the buy menu.
There is a 60 second timer on accepting a match that is ticking in the backend, however sometimes it doesn't work.
There is no player backfill feature to replace leavers mid match.
Sometimes, the visual effects and some gadgets can be visible through the breachable wall.
Losing connection at the end of the round results in breachable walls being in the same state as the previous round.
Sometimes, when logging into the game the screen turns black for one to two minutes until you get to the Main Menu.
See you at the Uplink.